Online reading and watching
This is just an accumulation of all the external links in my weekly email.
If we're going to waste time surfing the Internet, why not read things related to the Bible and Christian life?
That being said, the best thing you can spend time reading is your Bible. Or try listening to it using the Bible app.
If we're going to waste time surfing the Internet, why not read things related to the Bible and Christian life?
That being said, the best thing you can spend time reading is your Bible. Or try listening to it using the Bible app.
- A Bible chapter is recovered from an ancient manuscript using UV light
- Modern archaeological methods shed light on the complexities of the Biblical past, and indirectly support some Biblical claims
- "Love your enemies" in Biblical context.
- Find purpose in mundane work
- The baptism of Jesus reveals 4 key truths about his identity - I was surprised when Ron told me "I just read a news article that was essentially your sermon from Sunday" - but sure enough, it was. It's nice to see such a good theological article in mainstream news.
- What language did Jesus speak? It's a more complicated question than you might realize.
- Pray for California - update from local WELS churches
- WELS informal talks with Missouri Synod
- Communicating the gospel in Swahili
- Early stages of fellowship work in Liberia
- Martial arts training can come in handy for pastors
- You can still get an indulgence in the Roman Catholic Church. Here's how. Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them this.
- Apologetics: defending the faith
- A special student copies the entire Bible by hand!
- God leads a mother of six out of abuse and homelessness into a life of stability, service, and evangelism.
- Pastor Kennedy leads a congregation of 200 former Mormons in Kenya.
- Christian family solutions: Mental health counseling from a Biblical perspective, using law and gospel in conjunction with the local church. Find out more if you'd like to give to this ministry to receive counseling yourself.
- More than enough to be thankful for
- Free in Christ: what should a pastor wear?
- Revelation sermon series: the Christians crystal ball
- The coddling of the American funeral
- You ALREADY work at a Christian job
- A podcast walking through Isaiah verse by verse
- We won't do nothing in heaven
- How did the pro-life movement do in the recent election? Republicans are now a mixed bag on this issue.
- One example of a pastor getting out in the community in a meaningful way
- WELS Conference of Presidents meeting summary
- New mission contacts in Ethiopia
- Euthanasia "horror stories" coming out of Canada
- Latest WELS call report. This is worth skimming every year or so to remind you of the huge pastor and teacher shortage we are experiencing.
- One Christian mom's battle with mental illness
- Freedom in Christ: worship attire
- Another touching Caring Bridge article from Hannah Henslin. She is the one who lost her son a year ago and lost several family members this summer in a fire.
- Apologetics: a several-week study course from WELS
- National teen Bible study
- Christian themes in Harry Potter
- Some Christians have strong opinions against Harry Potter
- Here's a pretty good article on "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?"
- Prayers answered for native American missionaries
- The latest WELS podcasts
- 3 ways to support WELS prison ministry
- Here are some great Lutheran podcasts by the 1517 network
- NEW URGENT VIDEO DROPPED!!! URGENT is Brent Baerman's band. Brent is a guitarist at The Vine. Check it out!!
- Dance, David, Dance!
- A Pictorial History of the Wisconsin Synod - up for pre-sale now
- What is the unforgiveable sin?
- Let's stop the kid jokes
- Government can't change hearts - that's the church's (your) job
- 10 Reasons we can trust the New Testament
- Is it true that God will never give us more than we can handle?
- Making Christ known in Latin America
- Good video showing the aftermath of the flooding in NC
- The road to new opportunities
- Bio-archaeology sheds light on the Philistines
- Doing the most good - a WELS Connection Special
- 13 arguments for the reliability of the New Testament
- Alice Cooper is interviewed about his Christian faith
- If you're on Twitter I recommend following Chad Bird
- Pastor Schultz's son Caleb is pastoring this growing church in Canada
- An autistic man shares the gospel with his neighbors
- Is my faith real?
- WELS Q&A page
- A health scare leads to new ministry opportunities
- Being sensitive to families with special needs children
- Secuosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What to Do about It
- American Christians' Bible knowledge is getting pretty bad
- The hottest excavation in Israel right now: Tel Shiloh!
- Three words to help start spiritual conversations
- Cool photo of Ibex in Israel
- Faces of Faith: Kehinde (Caleb Schultz's church)
- Faces of Faith: Janet (My student from China is the pastor here)
- Faces of Faith - Steve and Tammy (from The Vine)
- Faces of Faith: Joanne (My current Greek student works here)
- Good explanation of the serpent eating dust
- A surprisingly detailed analysis of the waves in Noah's flood
- Did Moses misidentify the bat?
- God's hand in Indonesia
- Limiting my phone expanded my view of God
- The Obadiah Lutheran synod expresses its thanks
- When politics are driving you crazy
- How dare a pastor forgive sins?
- Offended by hell
- WELS youth rally summary AND VIDEO
- Sean's story (6 minute video about a new member at the new Nampa church)
- Infancy Gospel of Thomas I
- Infancy Gospel of Thomas II
- What are the biblical grounds for divorce? (note: remarriage is a different topic)
- Let go of regret
- 2023 WELS statistical summary
- My brother Nathan is a seminary student. Watch him guest preach at a congregation in Milwaukee.
- Another touching post from the family that tragically lost their son Joel earlier this year
- A sermon by one of my Greek students about stewardship. Give him a thumbs up!
- A sermon by another of my Greek students about being identified with Christ. this is from St. Marcus in Milwaukee. Maybe watch their worship services sometime, they do a really good job. Give them a thumbs up!
- The Bible's grizzly bear attack and how to understand it
- How was Jesus' tomb sealed?
- Sometimes not doing anything is a sin
- Some mothers have empty arms
- A nice ascension service from a big WELS church
- Easter in the Holy Land
- Starting spiritual conversations with prayer
- Jesus' burial defied all expectations
- Christianity is growing around the world
- Building trust in Japan
- WELS prison ministry reaching more inmates
- The Psalms of lament help us pray through deep suffering
- Sheep in the Jordanian desert
- Truth in Love documentary: A mother's journey to her savior
- BOOK FROM CPH: Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministries
- Use your unfair advantage in evangelism
- A pastor with brain cancer finds true strength
- The mission of WELS schools
- More room for joy!
- The unexpected joy of motherhood
- WELS pastor attended the Mormon General Conference - reaction
- Good lecture on the history of Christianity in China by my former colleague
- Start spiritual conversations by sticking to the basics
- A closer look at Jesus' death, historically
- The seven most Googled questions about God
- 25 suggested readings on the historicity of the resurrection
- Resurrection hope for addiction
- WELS youth rally preview
- Don't give up on physical Bibles
- Mission Journeys - connect with the UK
- Supporting Called Workers
- WELS mission success in the home of Pable Escobar
- To warn is loving
- The REAL St. Patrick
- Avoid perfectionistic parenting
- The slow way is the fast way to grow a church
- The differences between Ashkenazi and Sephartic Jews
- Atheist MIT professor converts to Christianity after this
- Jesus is enough - docuseries by Truth in Love ministry
- The history of Lent
- Prof. Deutschlander's greatest hits
- Update from the ministry recruitment taskforce
- Why discipleship must target apathy
- The gospel comes with a house key
- - it's not Lultheran but it looks like it has a lot of good classes
- Five ways to be present in worship
- Eusebius, the first church historian
- Great development for our Vietnamese congregation in Boise
- New mission on Lake Superior
- Online Bible study - What if it's true?
- WELS Family devotions
- Holy Week Devotions from MLC
- Physician assisted suicide for the mentally ill?
- 1/4 of Methodist congregations left the denomination last year
- The value of rote learning
- "Respectable" sins for those serving in ministry
- Win people rather than arguments
- How a seminary professor forgave his son's killer
- A good sermon on Job in a church where Pastor West held a call
- Is "gentle parenting" Biblical?
- Praying politics is more important than playing politics
- Another path to pastoring
- Celebration in Uganda
- Barrier-breaking faith
- Never take your religious freedom for granted
- A South Korean students learns about Jesus at a Lutheran high school
- Online Bible study: what if it's true that God man us in his image?
- Paul's prescription for election anxiety - I would emend part 2 slightly to "Reasonable people trust God to bless us no matter the outcome"
- Archaeology confirms a detail of 2 Kings
- How to be a missionary in your everyday life
- Don't underestimate generational differences
- 200 videos of the Holy Land
- An Assyrian bathtub
- WELS, ELS, and LCMS Lutherans meet
- Reviving relationships through Biblical hospitality
- Donna Driesbach's Caring Bridge Site is very encouraging if you haven't read it
- Jesus Healed My Eternal Family: this is the first video from the new Truth in Love docuseries about people who left the Mormon faith and found peace in the Trinitarian gospel of Jesus.
- The Trumpeter Swan proclaims God's Glory
- WELS joint missions report - not THAT joint, something else
- WELS home missions report
- WELS world missions report
- WELS Christian aid and relief report
- Northwestern Publishing House report
- GenZ wants to be involved in missions
- GenZ has questions. Apologetics has answers
- What do Mormons believe about humanity?
- Can you guess North America's largest unchurched people group? (Hint: moustache)
- Why this Christian guy pulled his kids from club sports
- WELS Synodical council meeting summary
- How to feed Gen Z's hunger for Jesus. I don't know if it's right, but here's on perspective on GenZ.
- History of the split between Wisconsin and Missouri synod Lutherans
- Very interesting interview - a Jew in Israel became a Lutheran seminary student through his Palestinian Christian friends.
- We are living in the end times.
- Time served - a WELS military devotion special
- Are you afraid of evangelism?
- One man's battle with anxiety
- Joel's saga - this is the Caring Bridge site of that family I mentioned in the sermon who lost their son to a tragic accident recently. It's very moving and I'd encourage everyone to read it, if you're up for something quite heartbreaking.
- Tattoo legend speaks out about becoming a Christian and the backlash she received - from Christians!
- Benefits and hazards of Gen Z's emotionally engaged faith
- What my video game habit revealed about my heart
- Welsh Christianity's surprising rise and decline
- WELS Synodical council meeting summary
- How to feed Gen Z's hunger for Jesus. I don't know if it's right, but here's on perspective on GenZ.
- History of the split between Wisconsin and Missouri synod Lutherans
- Very interesting interview - a Jew in Israel became a Lutheran seminary student through his Palestinian Christian friends.
- We are living in the end times.
- Praise and Proclaim - a great outreach blog and ministry
- Truth in Love Ministry - follow up from this weekend's presenter
- starting a WELS church in the Athens of America
- When the Occult moves in down the street. it's growing faster than Christianity in the USA
- History of the split between WI and MO Lutheran synods
- Grieving a miscarriage
- One serviceman's journey in Christ
- A husband finally gets baptized
- Inside Israel's Closed-ff Ultra Orthodox community. I think most Americans have the wrong idea not only about Biblical Israel, but also modern Israel. I watched this whole thing, and it's pretty good. it gives you an idea of the social and religious complexity of the modern state of Israel. Also, if you have Netflix, this show will be pretty interesting to you.
- As long as people are interested, videos on the positive and negative side of life in Gaza. Nothing about the current situation. This is where Samson was imprisoned.
- A country song reminds us of the strong faith of children
- Do parts of the Bible teach works-righteousness?
- If you like church services with lots of music, you should follow this channel
- Mission work approved in Senegal
- Online ministry flourishing in China
- The mission field we don't think about
- Interesting lecture on the history of military chaplaincy in WELS
- We do not choose our crosses
- The offence of grace
- Why I'm not a Christian Zionist - I don't know anything about the author or publication, but this is a good explanation of the Lutheran position as well. I'm being quick since I'm on vacation, but this is a hot topic and I wanted to post something.
- Modern Israel is not Biblical Israel. Again, I don't know anything about the author or his blog, but after a quick read this seemed accurate. I couldn't find a good Lutheran article on the topic, so these will do. Please let me know if in my haste I missed a theological or other error in either article.
- Note: the rest are the same as last week
- New Lutheran seminary principal in Zambia
- The brotherhood in Nepal
- Be persistent, not stubborn
- Human evangelism
- CS Lewis on joy
- Navajo shepherdess finds joy in Christ
- What do Mormons believe about the Holy Spirit?
- Doing more together - a WELS connection special
- The last thing sufferers need to hear
- 5 reasons Gen Z is primed for spiritual renewal
- The most important Bible-related inscription in the last 40 years
- Creation activity page for your kids
- European retreats for our military WELS members
- Dinosaur soft tissue - young earth evidence
- The relationship between anxiety, fear, and worry
- Faces of faith: Harry from Korea
- Don't let your culture keep you from Christlikeness
- Lachish, Shechem, and Shiloh
- Harvesting the balm of Gilead (literally)
- A good message for Gen Z graduates
- King David's Judah found
- Samaritan palace found
- Dysentery in the Old Testament
- How December 25 likely became Christmas (it's not what you'll see on TV)
- Some physical evidence contradicting evolution
- An interesting Jewish take on Aaron in the Bible (I'm not endorsing, but sharing because I know a few of you are interested in Jewish interpretation)
- 9 things to know about Christianity in India
- Dogs in the Bible. I learned something
- 5 ways to prepare to LISTEN to Sunday's sermon. "When you sit under the teaching or preaching of God’s Word, are you more easily impressed with the speaker than affected by the God who’s speaking through his Word? Do you long to hear a message from God through this messenger? If not, confess your lack of longing to God and ask him to give you a heart that’s eager to hear his voice."
- My wordless groans as a mother
- God's view from above
- The Lutheran History Podcast - nicely done, produced by a WELS pastor in Kenai, AK
- What does our worship say to the community?
- The Lachish Letters: Amazing correlation of archaeology and the Bible
- 2023 Wis. Luth. seminary senior theses available for public reading
- Back home in Asia - the author is a friend of mine
- Martin Luther's only surviving piece of classical music. Did you know he was a composer?
- Family devotion: I'm blessed to believe
- Water the seed: Ministry in the public school
- A couple discovers a new church after sending their kids to its school
- Engaging the church's youth
- Christ for Disciplers Podcast - a good podcast aimed at parents and teachers. But anyone can enjoy it. About 10 minutes, put out on weekdays.
- Preventing child abuse in our churches and schools
- PNW Men's retreat worship
- Seeking Sustainability in WELS schools
- Darkness to Light in Winsor, CO
- Land Bridge to North America? - scholarship is reconsidering
- Western Culture is Christ-Haunted. Interesting book review.
- Christians on the run in Sudan
- Plenty of studies confirming what we already know from the Bible:
- Twelve points confirming the resurrection of Jesus
- Did you know Dave Sauer's cousin is Larissa Fasthorse, a famous Native American playwright? Here's a video interview with her. Her Thanksgiving Play is on Broadway right now.
- Video: Seven reasons you can trust the gospels. Lydia McGrew is one of my favorite scholars today. Her academic background is in epistemology, but this helps her catch things that traditional Biblical scholars miss.
- Martin Luther and CS Lewis on seeing children suffer
- WELS President's Easter message
- Easter message from our WELS church in Kennewick
- Hold on! Family devotion
- Easter Rescue - family devotion
- Historical insight on Jesus' resurrection
- The latest available LWMS newsletter
- Moving to the mission field
- Thank you from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church
- Easter Really Happened: Historical and Logical Proof
- Why establish a charitable remainder trust?
- Child safety: why talk to kids about abuse?
- Joy in the Bulgarian Lutheran Church
- Planting Pivot: From Church to Christian School - interesting non-Lutheran take on small Christian schools
- Help! I'm struggling with porn!
- Discover your 8th-century church family
- WELS approves two new home missions, including Idaho Falls and Kalispel, MT.
- Lutheran leadership: lessons from a lifelong industrialist
- Helping the Hurting with Hope Bible study. We will use this in the fall, but here it is if you want to use it now.
- God grows his church in Africa
- Did Moses really live 120 years?
- How I grieved the death of an absent father
- Help! I'm too busy of a mom to read the Bible!
- Chinese Christians adapt to new restrictions
- The legacy of George Washington Carver, a man of deep faith, for all Christians
- A 75-song Holy Week playlist (I haven't listened to it)
- Finding Freedom from self-imposed laws
- "Faithful" - a new Lutheran praise song
- Digging for Truth is a relatively new YouTube channel devoted to Biblical archaeology. It's the best such channel I'm aware of.
- What 1 Timothy does and does not say about men and women's roles
- A look at the historical evidence for the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus
- My father's death brought me life
- A new WELS podcast: Casting Nets
- A celebration in Cochabamba
- Marriage isn't rehab from sexual sin
- New church plant in Bolivia
- Giving opportunity after storms in Malawi
- Latest WELS pastor and teacher call report
- Why this Gen-Z zombie loves the local church
- The oldest mention of Israel outside the Bible. It's remarkably early.
- A famous Lutheran prayer book is available for free online
- Youth sports etiquette: I came across this looking for something else entirely, but thought it was good.
- Jesus Revolution review. Note: I have not seen the movie. Apparently it's a big deal to some.
- Especially for our teachers: how to worship when you work at church
- Archaeology continues
- God saved me from a polygamous cult
- A history of heaven on earth
- An evangelical advocating for worship like ours
- Forward in Christ is now available online
- United with Christ
- Youth sports etiquette: I came across this looking for something else entirely, but thought it was good.
- Jesus Revolution review. Note: I have not seen the movie. Apparently it's a big deal to some.
- Especially for our teachers: how to worship when you work at church
- Archaeology continues
- God saved me from a polygamous cult
- A history of heaven on earth
- An evangelical advocating for worship like ours
- Forward in Christ is now available online
- United with Christ
- Forgive your parents
- The hardest thing we are called to do is believe
- What nature reveals about ourselves and our creator
- Help! My child wants to join a different church's youth group
- The Jewish holiday of Purim: What is it and what can we learn from it?
- Why I left New Age occultism to follow Christ
- Evergreen Lutheran High School has a weekly newsletter you can sign up for if you want
- Lenten devotions from Forward in Christ
- WELS Family devotion: Kindness in Quietness
- American is WINNING!! ... at SINNING :(
- Conquerers through Christ - a WELS anti-pornography ministry
- Why birds are not dinosaurs and why it matters
- We need to judge like Jesus
- "House of David" reads 2900 year old stone
- WELS Hmong ministry in Anchorage
- Help, I work for a pastor with low emotional intelligence. I never claimed otherwise.
- Interesting book: A week in the life of a Graeco-Roman woman
- Is it possible to fall from faith?
- What was the Magi's star? - by Mr. Biebert's brother
- Why I joyfully submit to male leadership in the church
- Christian young men need something better than Andrew Tate
- When you don't feel like having sex with your spouse
- Be slow to pull the "God card" - i.e. God told me this, God is leading me to that...
- Inadequacy is inherent in evangelism, so don't let it stop you
- TIME OF GRACE PODCASTS - there are several new ones I just learned about
- I repent in dust and ashes
- "My church family", not "my congregation"
- Don't feel sorry for the times your kids are growing up in. They are exactly where God wants them to be... shared on Facebook
- A great sermon
- WELS women's ministry
- Watch videos from the 2023 WELS conference on Lutheran leadership
- "Sinai" found in Egyptians texts from 2000 BC
- Teen devotion: striving to be foolish and weak
- Pressing the restart button on a church in decline.
- AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN PRESENCE - two hours but worth it
- Grace for the unforgiveable: if you didn't watch it last time, watch it this time
- Partnering with Kenya and Ethiopia
- God's secret weapon
- Babylon: history and archaeology of the world's oldest city
- Countries where it's most dangerous to be a Christian. No, the USA isn't even close.
- In suffering, God isn't merely teaching you a lesson
- WELS Annual report
- I just started teaching this guy Greek online. I'm now busy Monday and Friday 9:15-10:30am teaching Greek to him and three other pre-seminary students.
- 9 proofs you're more than matter
- S0-called "cave men" were more advanced than we realize
- Our many European sister churches. BONUS: One of the people in the first photo was in Kelly's and my wedding. Can you guess which one?
- Latest WELS women's ministry devotion: Renewal!
- Mr. Dial RIP - I recently learned that a very important person in my childhood passed away. Vincent Dial had a varied career. He played football for the Kansas City Chiefs. He then came to Johnson City where he was my band instructor from 6-8th grade. He moved on to several administrative positions in the school system, then retired from education and went into full time ministry. He took over as pastor of a more conservative church for the last years of his life. I took private drum lessons from him and a few times I attended the earlier church, where he was the drumming pastor. Sound familiar? I remember one Sunday he actually sat down and started playing as he was winding down his sermon. He was incredibly encouraging and positive. He was not a Lutheran but I included a link to a chapel talk he gave. It gives an idea of the kind of man and speaker he was. Kids need good role models, and I am so thankful for Christian men like Mr. Dial who meant so much to so many in the public schools I attended and elsewhere, including the retired public school teachers in our own congregation.
- Finding purpose through pain - I'm moving this to the top because it's so moving. It's a letter a 14 year old girl wrote concerning her dad's untimely, sudden death. If I needed tissues you probably will too.
- Mother's shelter renovations in Zambia
- Psalms reading plan
- Free online financial coaching (we will highlight this in church in a few months)
- Perspectives on Lutheran leadership
- Leadership is about more than authority
- Resolving to share joy
- Parent conversations: how can we model good listening skills for our kids?
- Some shocking news (this is why you don't make God angry)
- False expectations can keep us from sharing our faith
- Should I prioritize family or work? Neither.
- Why I left social media and won't go back
- Learn the stories behind the suffering
- WELS Chinese ministry in British Columbia
- The greatest gift of all
- Best Christian music of 2022
- Top 10 discoveries in Biblical archaeology in 2022
- An easy schedule to read the Bible in 2023
- You can't manifest a better life. Sorry.
- Update on the Ukrainian Lutheran Church
- The papacy and Hitler's Germany - book review
- 5 things parents should know about teens and digital media
- Why our faith sometimes needs silence
- The Israelites camped at Ebenezer
- Looking at the (false) doctrine of "once saved, always saved".
- Your marriage needs work
- Four ways wives try to be the Holy Spirit for their husbands
- Top three lessons learned about outreach this year
- Jesus, a figure of history
- One of the saddest texts in the Old Testament
- Aphek: Philistines prepare for battle
- Looking at the (false) doctrine of "once saved, always saved".
- Your marriage needs work
- Four ways wives try to be the Holy Spirit for their husbands
- Top three lessons learned about outreach this year
- Jesus, a figure of history
- One of the saddest texts in the Old Testament
- Aphek: Philistines prepare for battle
- Democrats and Republicans agree: their religious faith is not all that meaningful or fulfilling.
- 5 signs your church might be headed towards progressive Christianity. Consider sharing this with a friend whose church is headed away from the Bible as the only source of truth.
- How to plan your giving as a married couple
- Is Numbers 5 unjust to women? We discussed this in the Tuesday Bible study a few weeks ago.
- WELS growth and partnership in Indonesia
- Devotional plans to worship with your family in 5, 15, or 30 minutes.
- The YouVersion Bible App allows you to read dozens of Bible translations, have the Bible read to you out loud, and has 100s of Bible reading and devotional plans you can follow. It's a great way to incorporate the Bible into your life.
- A Baptist and Lutheran debate infant baptism. The Lutheran has the best arguments, though maybe he has a less convincing demeanor.
- The Dangers of New Revelation, New Prophets, and New Age Practices in the Church
- Beware of those from the right or left saying the church needs to be more politically involved
- Reflections on the death of my father
- WELS helps in hurricane recovery
- The misunderstood calling of a submitted wife (very interested story)
- Welcoming the detransitioned into church the numbers are shocking!
- Visiting our sister churches in Africa
- Six evolutionary cliches and how to counter them
- The truth about Martin Luther and the 95 theses. According to this, I got a small detail wrong while preaching. Can you spot it?
- America's mythology of Martin Luther
- Ukrainian Lutheran Church update
- The lost art of attentive sermon listening
- Kelly West's high school friends are going to Africa as missionaries. Watch this interview.
- Mother horrified to learn of son's scheduled suicide when reading his emails Eventually, euthanasia might take the place of abortion as the number one vehicle of murder in our country.
- How to confront a demon - Time of Grace has a whole series on demons coming out right now.
- Debunking myths about the grieving process
- Non-binary identification soars 600% among teens. Not surprising to parents of teens, but I bet some of you are surprised.
- 80% of teenagers expect to cohabitate before marriage
- Home missions highlights
- Decades of service AFTER retirement - an inspiring story
- WELS call report - this gives you an idea of how many vacancies are out there.
- St Matthew's was highlighted in a recent Praise and Proclaim report
- Living as Christians during a national fertility crisis. I didn't realize there was a national fertility crisis.
- The art of attentive sermon listening
- If you found the history of the printing press and the reformation interesting last Sunday, you'll enjoy this book: Brand Luther: How an Unheralded Monk Turned His Small Town into a Center of Publishing, Made Himself the Most Famous Man in Europe--and Started the Protestant Reformation
- If you enjoyed the Large Catechism excerpt Sunday, you can read the entire Large Catechism online for free.
- The recent, explosive growth in need for Christian counselors
- Ideas and resources for compassion ministry - church and school leaders please consider looking at this
- A biblical history of calendars
- 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute options for family devotions
- God wants you to be a burden
- The explosive growth of need for Christian counselors
- Understanding the gospels
- Starting a Lutheran seminary in a cartel town
- Shearing sheep in Bible times
- Were Plesiosaurs both fresh water and marine animals?
- How many people were in the exodus?
- Love your young adult neighbor
- Parents, just go to church
- Handel and his masterpiece - why you should listen to "The Messiah"
- Family is fleeting, but God is forever
- I've heard good things about this series: how to read the gospels
- Jesus' growth plan for me
- Dig into the parable of the sower
- Why I'm no longer trying to be extraordinary
- WHY SHOULD I FORGIVE YOU - from a new book written by my classmate
- The Oldest Lie: You will be like God
- Don't be a troll
- Hold your tongue, preserve your integrity. Don't be too fast to skip over this one, our church is not above gossip.
- Advice from a college student: go to church SHARE WITH THE COLLEGE STUDENTS IN YOUR LIFE
- 4 comforts for ancient Christians
- Fear is an enemy of gratitude
- WELS mission - Backpacks and burgers in Kalispell, MT
- No Freemasons allowed
- Seeing stars in a young universe
- How to love annoying people
- Humility
- 7 simple steps to preserve your local church history
- The day we buried our son (follow up from a few weeks ago)
- CRT vs. Classical Liberalism vs. Christianity. Note: I have no idea if this is a fair representation of CRT, but it seems to fit what I hear.
- The Lord's Prayer: The Antidote to Expressive Individualism
- Not reading the Bible much lately? Start a reading plan with the You Version Bible App today! They have 100s of reading plans. You can read a few verses a week or the whole Bible. It's very convenient to use and customizable.
- Relief efforts in Myanmar
- How to help depressed and anxious teens
- Verses to memorize for the hospital
- Missionary training success
- You're more than space dust
- The REAL Armageddon
- Reflections on the death of our son (maybe get Kleenex)
- What to do when someone sins against you
- Pray humbly and gratefully
- Report from the WELS women's ministry conference
- From complaining to praising
- What's it's like to regret your teenage transition. Please don't let others tell you you're hateful for opposing this stuff - it does a lot of damage.
- Bible archaeology videos and articles
- Do miracles still happen today?
- A doctor shares the secret to dying well
- Daniel: prophecy or forgery? Disagreement on this question is one thing that led me to leave the church I grew up in.
- WELS humanitarian aid grants announced
- The Merneptah Stele - important Biblical artifact
- Scrolling alone - how Instagram and social media are destroying girl's lives. Parents of teenage girls, please read.
- Parents, pastor your children. No church or school can do your job for you.
- Women's devotions summer series #22
- Cameroon graduates seven new pastors
- Double the pastors in Nigeria
- Fewer Americans believe in God than ever before
- New long-term mission opportunities with WELS for laypeople
- The Supreme court rules in favor of religious schools
- Steps to include children in worship
- Psalm 121 a liturgy for distress
- How social media use can rival God
- WELS statement on Roe v. Wade ruling
- Military devotion: the sun waited (perhaps forward to someone in the military)
- Women's devotion: home, church, world, what applies where?
- What happens after the miracle
- When the Holy Spirit shows up
- 5 ways to celebrate Trinity Sunday
- Pride divides, the Spirit unites
- Helpless people pray
- Christian letters from a Shanghai lockdown
- 9 warning signs of a compromised pastor
- Read the psalms in one month
- Have $25,000 to donate? Consider a WELS endowment.
- Sign up for WELS "Read the Bible in 3 years" program
- Check our WELS "Military devotions"
- Or subscribe to the WELS "family devotions" that you can read or hear read to you.
- A devotion on Psalm 66
- Did I commit the unforgivable sin?
- Only 37% of US pastors have a Biblical worldview
- What happens after the miracle
- When the Holy Spirit shows up
- 5 ways to celebrate Trinity Sunday
- Pride divides, the Spirit unites
- Helpless people pray
- Christian letters from a Shanghai lockdown
- 9 warning signs of a compromised pastor
- Read the psalms in one month
- Have $25,000 to donate? Consider a WELS endowment.
- Ascension Day
- A call to raise daughters wise to domestic abuse
- How to love same-sex couples who adopt
- Latest update on our Lutheran brethren in Ukraine
- New evidence for the famine in Joseph's day
- How do we know the devil is a fallen angel?
- Ancient Metallurgy. Dale might like this.
- An update on WELS missions in Latin America
- Skydiving salamanders. Not a Christian website, but evidence of God's glory in creation.
- How the liturgy can be a benefit to outreach
- Why did Jesus choose Capernaum for his home base?
- What happened to King Saul? By Marshall Casey who you'll recognize from St. Matthew.
- The urgency of evangelism
- A picture of heaven from the book of Revelation
- How to find peace when you feel offended
- Faces of faith: The Mawale family
- Awesome things happening in WELS Africa missions.
- Can you be bothered to pray?
- Why the resurrection of Jesus is the best explanation
- You should be proud
- New evangelism resources in Vietnam
- I read this every day
- Withholding judgement until Judgement Day
- Multiverse. What's up with that?
- Ukrainian Lutheran updates
- I was here last week
- Northwestern publishing house new leadership
- WELS biannual report to the twelve districts
- A fossil find casts doubt on evolution
- 3 ways atheists show they actually believe in God
- You need friends in middle age
- Countering secular creeds
- What the Supreme Court leaked draft means for abortion
- The Four Loves series: Family love, friendship love, passionate love, God's love
- Ukraine Update
- Pastors serving small but dedicated flocks in Taiwan
- Anticipating Easter in the Old Testament
- Learn about a writer of several beloved hymns: Philip Nicolai
- How to renew a decadent Evangelical culture
- How not to pray with a hurting loved one
- Do you pass the humility test?
- Debunking the work-life balance myth
- WELS call report - maybe some of you are unaware that this is posted every two weeks. See how many vacancies there are!
- A short Good Friday devotion
- 5 reasons to love repentance
- WELS approves 5 new missions
- Psalm 118, the perfect Psalm for Holy Week
- Good outcome for a court case in Finland
- Oregon billboards imploring people to stop having kids
- A good article on Paul's controversial statement that women should not have authority in the church
- A faith that can be deconstructed isn't worth having
- "My God, My God, do not EXILE me" ?...
- has many good articles every week
- Transgender youth are attempting suicide at a shocking rate. Don't be tricked into thinking there's anything to this movement other than foolishness.
- Serving people from Hong Kong in the UK
- Lessons we can learn from persecuted Christians
- How church strategy and structure changes with growth. Council members or anyone thinking about the future of our congregation would benefit from this.
- Confessions of faith: Caroline and Lawrence McCatty
- Video about 2022 WELS International Youth Rally
- When shame remains after divorce
- Archaeologists uncover pottery with Gideon's name on it
- Lead us not into temptation - what can I do?
- The connection between so-called space aliens and evolution
- The highest mountain in the Bible
- Countering five false narratives about Christianity
- Should Christians trust the majority?
- Christians - you will suffer
- March 2022 WELS Connection. It's about the new mission congregation in London. It's really interesting and a little weird to see Londoners talking about enjoying WELS missionaries. I encourage you to watch it.
- Time of Grace has two very good series out right now, one on wisdom:
- And one on "How to worship when war hits home"
- A professor at Concordia University Wisconsin (LCMS) was suspended for criticizing the university's "woke policies" and it's becoming a national story. This professor was a WELS pastor for most of his career.
- Evidences for a global flood
- Women's "speaking" at Corinth. This is the best treatment of this topic I remember reading. It explains the difficult passage in which Paul forbids women to speak in church, and makes a strong case that this refers to public teaching.
- Habakkuk and hope for addiction.
- Be an unsung hero of faith
- Should Christians worry about nuclear war?
- Five questions for young Christians about their media choices
- The WELS magazine Forward in Christ now makes many of its articles available online
- New York Times: Why churches should get rid of their online services and go to exclusively in-person worship.
- Is attending a wedding an endorsement?
- Changes to Palm Sunday this year: Sunday of the Passion
- Was Genesis copied from ancient Mesopotamian flood myths?
- Evangelism is hard, but worthwhile (and mandatory, I may add)
- Synodical council holds winter 2022 meeting
- Psalm 55: I don't have all the answers but I do have hope
- Free class by a good lecturer: Christ in the Old Testament
- The Vine's first church - WELS missions entry
- New archaeological information about Solomon's mines and ancient crucifixion
- How to understand Paul's statement that women should be silent in the church
- World missionary commissioned for London
- This is probably what ancient Hebrew sounded like
- Income planning for sustainable schools - this would be of interest to any teachers, anyone on the council, or school board.
- Congregations generously support the synod
- Time of Grace: Love is an action
- Reflection in the water - a conversion story
- Here is a good PowerPoint about the Lutheran view of the sacraments
- Blessed with a new perspective - I used his into in last week's sermon
- Opportunities for women's ministry in Latin America
- Archaeological evidence for the kingdom of Judah
- Be radical: take drastic steps to cut off pornography
- Love is an action
- Interesting ethical dilemma treated from a Christian perspective: What do I do when my company/colleague is over-promising to boost sales?
- A MI high school student was suspended--and is suing--for privately sharing his Christian beliefs at school.
- WELS commits to 100 mission starts in 10 years
- Every Christian beats cancer
- Rest doesn't come cheap
- The future of abortion
- 9 countries where it's most dangerous to be a Christian in 2022
- You don't need to discover God's will
- How to think straight if someone is gaslighting you
- Study: most evangelicals don't want shorter sermons
- Your gifts, God's blessings. WELS annual report to members.
- Why addicts need church in addition to AA
- Portable Mt. Sinai - interesting for those in Exodus study
- God and transgender part 1, Time of Grace
- The growth of Christianity in the world's first atheist country (Albania)
- Did God make her like this? Explaining disabilities to children.
- Pastor Mike's take on the question "Can we live together before marriage?"
- How COVID has affected our friendships and what we can do about it. This is quite long but very good.
- 2 Sunday after Epiphany - entire service online from a church that does worship very well.
- WELS Conference of Presidents meeting summary
- Sorry, COVID didn't lead to a great Christian revival. Things in society seem to be going downhill fast. Put your hope in Jesus, not in this evil world:
- Coming to a public school near you: After-school Satan Club in Illinois causes backlash I thought this must be fake, but I checked and it's real. Note they specifically mention a "similar effort to form clubs in Washington state."
- Canada's new law can jail pastors who try to convert gay or trans people
- But meanwhile great things are happening in other sectors:
- A murderer discovers Christ
- 5 reasons to read the Bible with a group
- Does the Bible command daily devotions?
- Resolve to memorize scripture
- Top 10 science news items of 2021
- Top 10 Answers in Genesis articles in 2021
- Build spiritual habits in a few minutes
- Americans think living together outside of marriage is fine or even good, but actually all studies show it's bad for relationships and bad for children.
- One question revived my faith
- Our friends shape us more than we think
- Why not diapers and casseroles instead of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
- Canaan Bound podcast - produced by my college roommate
- Top 10 discoveries in Biblical archaeology in 2021
- Best new Christian music of 2021 - according to this random stranger
- Four things Christians with bipolar disorder what you to know
- Neglected ministry of specific encouragement
- Treatise on the use of tenses in Hebrew
- Puffins
- A good description of how Messianic prophesy works
- WELS family devotions 12/31/2021, are you proud of your family?
- A new Christmas tradition: watch The Little Troll Prince, a lesser-known classic movie with Lutheran themes. Highly recommended by some of our members.
- Persecution is ramping up in India. This NYT article is best, but you have to set up a free account to read it.
- Combatting the lie "I have to be perfect or I'm a failure"
- I found God in my grief
- WELS President's Christmas message
- WELS Aid and Relief responses to recent tornados
- Our Exodus Bible study watched a video about the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Here is that video and a few other good ones on this topic:
- The Pharaoh of the Exodus - more open to various ideas
- Thutmoses III as Pharaoh of the Exodus - a strong argument with good visuals
- Ancient Egypt and the Exodus - a more detailed historical comparison
- Bible verses to memorize for the hospital
- What makes a good Christmas?
- O Bad Little Town of Bethlehem
- Dealing with Christmas gift phobia
- Debunking popular Christmastime myths that circulate on social media
- How can we help today's overwhelmed teens?
- 63% of Americans identify as Christian. You wouldn't think it from watching TV but Christianity is still strong in the USA, though in decline.
- What I learned rescuing my daughter from her transgender fantasy. Parents, in particular note the disturbing details of what she found when she finally got the passwords to her daughter's phone. Please do not underestimate the dangers of giving your children unsupervised, unfiltered access to the Internet, including TikTok and YouTube.
- Three key facts in God's first proclamation of the gospel in Genesis 3.
- Bible verses to memorize for the hospital
- What makes a good Christmas?
- O Bad Little Town of Bethlehem
- Dealing with Christmas gift phobia
- Debunking popular Christmastime myths that circulate on social media
- How can we help today's overwhelmed teens?
- 63% of Americans identify as Christian. You wouldn't think it from watching TV but Christianity is still strong in the USA, though in decline.
- What I learned rescuing my daughter from her transgender fantasy. Parents, in particular note the disturbing details of what she found when she finally got the passwords to her daughter's phone. Please do not underestimate the dangers of giving your children unsupervised, unfiltered access to the Internet, including TikTok and YouTube.
- Three key facts in God's first proclamation of the gospel in Genesis 3.
- Fighting Anxiety Step 1
- How to successfully battle a pornography addiction
- The right gift at the right time
- Why Americans quit church
- Bible study on the divine call available
- Psalm 139 made me appreciate being a mother
- Consider doing some Christmas shopping with Northwestern Publishing House
- Forward in Christ has greatly improved their website and now has things like podcasts and videos.
- A look at the common saying "I'm spiritual but not religious". Over an hour, several good points.
- What is the book of Amos all about? Find out on Sunday when we start studying the book.
- Where's God in a world of death and suffering?
- What plummeting fertility means for churches
- Four possible reasons for unanswered prayer
- Surviving the holidays when death has taken the joy away
- Consider doing some Christmas shopping with Northwestern Publishing House
- Christmas in the Garden of Eden
- A look at how modern university students answer the question "Does God exist?"
- Jesus knows what it's like - WELS daily devotion
- My life in ruins (not what you think) This is my favorite podcast but I'm not offended if it's not yours.
- Get over yourself
- How to move from grumbling to gratitude
- Three months paid leave for abortions?
- The transgender craze seducing our daughters - book review
- A Lutheran view of transgenderism
- Why your church needs Advent this year. Check.
- Watch a pretty good documentary "Is Genesis history" if you'll give them your email address.
- 10 best scientific evidences for a young earth
- Your church does not need more "fans", it needs more "members"
- Excavating Tel Shimron. This may be a repeat
- More good sermons: Victory of the Lamb in Franklin, WI. A good friend of mine is one of their pastors.
- Ideas to motivate the spiritually apathetic
- This week there was a bit of a controversy in the news when a professor was suspended for advocating for "Minor Attracted persons." If you're unaware, I have some bad news. There is a growing movement in the USA to normalize pedophilia. It is currently being relabeled as "Minor attracted person". If you find that hard to believe, don't take my word for it, listen to this LGBT activist describe and rail against it. What's the answer? Jesus calls us to be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. If you're a parent, be extra careful to protect your kids. Realize the world is much different than when you were a kid. We do not need to fear or just be upset, instead, whenever we encounter this kind of thing we need to turn to God and pray that he will lead our nation to repentance over the many evils we condone.
- "Responding with grace on divisive issues" series from Focus on the Family. Recommended by a fellow member.
- Four reasons people leave the faith
- As someone mentioned in Bible study, listening is an important aspect of wisdom and of loving your neighbor.
- Self-worship is the world's fastest growing religion
- Why the gospel of self-improvement isn't good news
- A Christian approach to "productivity"
- James Hein sermons - this guy is a very popular WELS preacher
- Sermon: choose gratitude over grumbling
- Overcoming negativity through Christ. Recommended by a fellow church member. Appropriate for the stressful times in which we live, and also as the days get shorter and seasonal depression kicks in for many.
- Three reasons for hope in the face of grief and worry
- Another sermon on "slavery to sin" and freedom in Christ
- What was Martin Luther's breakthrough?
- Excavating Tel Shimron
- Godly habits get us back on track
- Free online course: The Theology of the Cross vs. the Theology of Glory
- Does the news help you love your neighbor?
- How the gospel helped me cope with my depression.
- Why won't my feelings of church hurt go away?
- 100 missions in 10 years
- Six ways to bring faith into your family every day
- Time of Grace Sermon: How God Fights for You
- Update on WELS work in Vietnam
- 9 interesting facts about catechisms
- The verse that helped me become a more patient parent
- John Dewey's failure
- Why we need to know church history
- Ouch! - WELS daily devotion
- What Americans Hear in Sermons
- Freedom: Purchased at a high cost, yet freely given
- Study: Frequent Churchgoers have better mental health
- Martha: Herald of the Gospel
- Why you should attend church every week
- Live near your Christian friends and family
- An Afghan Christian on suffering
- Abortion's demonic math
- 9 things to know about the Christian flag
- Keeping kids off porn
- How to have powerful prayer
- How do I heal from betrayal?
- God's plans for your life
- No sex before marriage? but what about my hormones?
- A majority of self-identified Christians don't believe the Holy Spirit is real??...
- 11% of US households are now homeschooling
- A new WELS mission in London, England, of all places.
- Thought provoking questions to help you be a better friend
- The WELS member assistance program - we could take part in this, though we don't now.
- Will the church return?
- Thelma and Louise defeat God's enemies
- Luther vs. Erasmus part 6 (worth your time if you're interested in theology)
- Why we don't talk about seminary students being "called" into the ministry
- 20% of our church body in Hong Kong has moved to England!
- The hidden harm of gender transition. It's not that hidden...
- We forget about God's holiness
- The link between our identity in Christ and a healthier life
- The Lord's prayer can overcome your prayer struggles
- Free courses online from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
- A special creation from God you probably haven't heard of
- Putting aside competitiveness: our bodies
- Putting aside competitiveness: our intellects
- 9 things to know about Dante's Divine Comedy. Read it! If you want to.
- Lutheran Science Institute videos about creation/evolution.
- Is your child getting enough Vitamin N?
- Why I'm staying at my church after a hard year. It's been a hard, unprecedented year for all of us.
- What I had wrong about evangelism
- Good guys and Bad Guys. This is quite good.
- What is the Bible and how to read it. Part 1.
- Time of Grace is starting a new sermon series on prayer. The first installment: Pray like a pro: Be like a helpless child.
- 5 myths about evangelism
- Few millennials describe belief in God as "important"
- Nearly half of millennials reject monogamy
- Sexual satisfaction in marriage correlates with conflict resolution. So saying "I'm sorry" more can improve your sex life with your spouse.
- 9 things to know about secular humanism
- Did you know there is "a Biden administration mandate requiring doctors to perform gender transition procedures, even if such practices violate the medical judgment or religious beliefs of those physicians."? I didn't realize it until I saw this yesterday. Wow. That affects a lot of Christian doctors.
- How can we bring back those who have drifted from church?
- 20 quotes from "Rediscover Church"
- John Locke, Reason, and Revelation (on the deeper side)
- Confessional church or confessing church? (also pretty deep)
- Don't forget free WELS family devotions
- Also free WELS teen devotions
- How to be an "elder" whether you're officially one or not. Good advice for any mature Christian in our church.
- Many Americans confuse European-American culture with Christianity, so it's good to remember that racism stems from Darwinism, and the Bible teaches human unity.
- I'm not going to preach a sermon series on sex, but Time of Grace is, and you can watch it here.
- Did I blow my chance with God?
- Comfort in depression
- One of my buddies also just put his services online. Watch it for edification, or if you're volunteering to record the services, get some ideas about how we can improve that.
- How to use the phrase "I'm praying for you" without it sounding trite or gratuitous.
- Afghan pastors reflect on the current situation
- Living together before marriage raises likelihood of divorce.
- Unmarried sex is less frequent and less satisfying.
- There's no such thing as virtual church
- Do Christians have a problem with science?
- How to pray for Afghanistan
- If you need to confront someone, here's a godly way to approach it
- World missions updates and blessings
- Paul is a new and greater Socrates
- "Freedom for the Captives" WELS website to help people struggling with pornography in their lives or the lives of their family members. This interview is with one of it's leaders, Caleb Schultz, whom you might know.
- A rapidly decaying magnetic field is another great piece of evidence for a young earth.
- A more obscure work by C.S. Lewis
- The Vine is famous
- Netflix's "Pray Away" seethes with contempt for Christianity
- Americans are giving less
- What does it mean to be the salt of the earth?
- Antifa assaults outdoor Christian worship service in Portland
- The most important presidential address of the year
- The confession of sleep
- A 30 second sermon as the plane was crashing
- New song: Your Steadfast Love
- Evidence confirming a young earth: little sediment on the sea floor
- How to tame your tongue
- The Psalms aren’t the clandestine successes of a faithful soul, but are the journaled hopes of a desperate soul — of one teetering on the edge of oblivion.
- WELS financial blessings
- "It's just a movie"
- A very well done archaeology report about a new Bible-related find
- The importance of fathers for daughters
- "Spiritual but not religious" video compilation
- 1 in 8 divorces is caused by student loan debt
- Get out of your comfort zone for Christ
- Watch "Marriage moments" to improve your marriage in Christ
- Kent Reeder, the only WELS pastor in Seattle, is putting together 100% online worship. It would be great to use with your families on days you can't make it to church. It's interactive, practical, and interesting. Here's his home worship on the topic "Let the Weak Say I am Strong."
- Psalms as the prayer book of Jesus and the church
- The prayer of a struggling believer
- Psalm 42, the newest release by Shane and Shane
- 4 things to know about GK Chesterton.
- How to tell the difference between Presbyterian denominations
- The Psalms sustained me as my baby faced death
- What teens need from parents
- Graduate, think about your purpose, not your plan
- Seven new missionaries assigned
- Christian education vs. public school. The issue for us shouldn't be "public" vs. "private", it should be "Christian" vs. "secular".
- WELS annual book of reports and memorials available online. Not for the faint of heart.
- Worship is remembering
- The threat of woke Christianity
- The Holy Spirit: The gift and the giver
- Becoming Bible teachers
- Beautiful Difference: The Complementarity of Male and Female
- Famous Atheist: It's "wise and sensible" to abort a child with Down's Syndrome. In a few years we will probably be hearing that it is "cruel and anti-science" to keep such children.
- Why our church will keep the livestream - not OUR church, but I agree with his reasoning.
- How C.S. Lewis helps us reach a post-Christian world
- In a world of narratives, Christians should be committed to reality
- UFOs??? I disagree with his conclusions, but notice this issue is becoming so mainstream that even conservative Christians are now taking this issue seriously. I don't know what to say, strange times.
- I forgave. Why do I still feel this way?
- Dry Bar Comedy: In these stressful times, it's good to laugh. But it's hard to find appropriate content. This channel is by no means Christian, but it's devoted to clean standup comedy.
- Three Biblical problems with critical race theory
- ELCA elects openly transgender bishop
- Jesus associates with sinners
- The guy who wrote "...then they came for me..." was a Lutheran pastor
- Archaeological analysis of Christ's resurrection
- Verses to memorize for the hospital
- A new type of outreach
- Devotion: Your good shepherd
- We're still amusing ourselves to death
- Why Jesus' humanity matters as much as his deity
- The heart of anger (book review)
- Evangelizing the happiest people on earth
- Who's more political: progressive or conservative Christians
- Lord, help me love my parents
- New mission in Bonney Lake, WA
- Did one person eating fruit really lead us all to deserve Hell?
- What does "Messiah/Christ" mean?
- Seeing Christ in the shape of the Psalms
- A nice Easter III sermon
- Jesus is our proof. A well-produced online sermon.
- Atheist astronomy PhD discovers God and Christianity through her study
- How to be the kind of friend others want and need
- Don't be that Bildad guy (related to our Job study)
- Post-pandemic, will China's church be changed forever? COVID has coincided with increased political oppression to stifle Christian activity.
- LGBTQ+ students sue to remove federal aid to Christian universities. Christianity is increasingly being painted as an evil force to be opposed.
- 1 Corinthians 15: some of the best evidence for Jesus' resurrection
- What really happened on Palm Sunday? - an interesting, very history-oriented sermon
- Another good point about "spiritual but not religious"
- The 1000 years in Revelation: a good, concise explanation
- Maundy Thursday from Our Redeemer in Madison, WI. Because they post their live-stream right away, I sometimes watch these services Sunday morning and even adjust my sermon ton incorporate a good point they make.
- The Gospel of Matthew as a movie
- The Gospel of John as a movie - both good Holy Week watching, or over spring break
- Why young people are leaving the faith so fast, and what you can do about it.
- Related: Church membership is in decline among Christians, and why it matters so much.
- Are you a spiritual person?
- 5 ways to worship together as a family
- 10 unrealistic expectations that can destroy a marriage
- 9 things you should know about the Dead Sea Scrolls
- I forgave. Now how to I heal (Time of Grace Sermon)
- Don't turn away from Christ's suffering
- New missionary to Ecuador, report 1, and report 2
- Details of crucifixion from a crucified man in Jerusalem
- Tools for critical thinking
- Marriage Maintenance videos
- God's purpose for your suffering
- Uplifting report from a missionary (and friend of mine) in Hong Kong
- Your local church is better than Starbucks
- State court rules professors at Christian colleges are not clergy
- Leave some down time in your life to be still before God
- Praise and Proclaim is offering a four-week Bible Evangelism training workshop. Free, but I think you need to sign up. Peggy recommends this week's lesson about evaluating evangelism success. "New members" are not the goal, "proclaiming Christ" is the goal.
- 3 ways grandparents can leave a legacy of faith
- 7 psalms to help you cope with life again
- Mission partners in Finland
- Don't fight temptation alone
- Darwin vs. God on the evolution of morality
- The book of Revelation comes with an answer key. This might be a good review to help you remember our Revelation series.
- Praise and Proclaim is offering a four-week Bible Evangelism training workshop. Free, but I think you need to sign up.
- 3 questions to ask when determining what to let your kids watch and listen to
- Sharing the gospel across cultures
- 3 most overlooked evangelism skills
- 4 reasons NOT to move in with your partner (before marriage)
- Where did the idea of "millions of years" originate?
- The news as spiritual DE-formation. Do you ever trust God MORE after watching the news?
- A guide to kids and chores
- Sharks love to be petted. A good example of mankind's rule over creation expressed positively.
- Should Christian women wear yoga pants?
- 25 great novelists who affirm faith
- WELS official response to the Equality Act, mentioned last week.
- The importance of Christ's ascension. A comforting and clarifying article.
- An evening Lenten service I enjoyed last night.
- God isn't worried.
- Will my abusive Christian father be in heaven or hell?
- In order to be balanced, one article with Christians criticism of conservatives, one article critical of American politics in general, and one article with Christian criticism of liberals.
- Evangelicalism is growing in America, but is dividing into two types: purely political evangelicals, and those who actually read the Bible and attend church. The first group is gaining prominence but has the potential to undermine the church's work.
- How to apply-and not to apply- "if my people who are called by my name humble themselves... then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." It's often mis-appropriated to apply to American elections.
- Versions of the so-called "Equality Act" has been around since 2015, but it is in the news again and could be passed into law this year. Here's a 2019 article about it. and a more recent article by a Baptist lawyer. It's conceivable, though I have no idea if it's "likely," that our school could eventually be forced to close as a Christian school if this act is passed, along with countless other Christian schools, homeless shelters, adoption agencies, etc. But there are a lot of variables, as the second article mentions, so please pray and contact your representatives if you are so moved.
- Interesting details about Assyrian deportation practices. This is what happened to the northern kingdom of Israel in about 722 BC.
- Blessings for our mission in Nampa, ID
- Why read Leviticus?
- When a pastor baptizes his wife. I don't agree with their theology of baptism, but the story is very engaging.
- Church small talk was more important than I realized
- Interview with a formerly gay man who is now a pastor and wrote two books about it. Also, he has several other good short videos. such as "Is being gay genetic?"
- 8 defining characteristics of childlike faith
- George Washington's rules of civility and decent behavior. Some of this is just interesting, but it actually contains a lot of insight into keeping the 4th-10th commandments.
- Out of context: Do not judge. Good sermon from Time of Grace.
- You can learn to be content
- Cultivating humility
- A very detailed rebuttal of universalism
- One-sentence summaries of every Old Testament book.
- The true story of St. Valentine. WARNING: this contains an actual photo of St. Valentine.
- The reindeer herders of the Siberian forest. Alright, not much of a connection to the Bible, but it's really cool.
- A new attack. Believing the Bible's account of creation is now a "conspiracy theory" according to Snopes and AP. Here's a longer, detailed rebuttal article. Please beware the recent expansion of labels like "hate speech," "disinformation," "conspiracy theory," etc., to refer to any non-mainstream opinions. This is very easily turned against Christians, and this article documents one instance. I'm sure someone is already labeling the resurrection a "conspiracy theory" and original sin "hate speech." Could this lead to deplatforming Bible-confessing churches? I would assume so, but we'll have to pray there is a bottom to the slippery slope we're riding. Yet...
- The world's fastest growing evangelical movement is in Iran.. So on the other hand, don't worry about potential persecution. If it happens, God will continue to bless his church. The worst anyone can do is send you to heaven. The Iranian Christians aren't afraid, we don't need to be either.
- The false gospel of assuming the worst
- 10 things all grandparents need to hear
- Wives: respect your husband!
- New world mission fields recognized
- WELS annual report 2021
- Time of Grace Sermon: Jesus in three words
- God is your father in heaven
- Why worship should include corporate confession. From a non-Lutheran source. It's nice when other people see the same thing.
- Why we don't want sermons to always talk about current events.
- Tips to deal with a spouse who is driving you crazy. Kelly, you should read this one.
- Bible promises for parents of prodigals.
- Will Christian schools be denied accreditation for denying "science" if they teach the Biblical creation? Only time will tell, but there are people at the UN suggesting it.
- Will "White supremacy" be he next attack on orthodox Christianity in America? Once again, only time will tell, but we should aware many people are already using this argument. Unfortunately, we should expect religion to be politicized like everything else in our society.
- Composting is now a legal form of burial in WA. I'm not sure what to think, and the Bible is neutral about this, but it's something new to consider in end of life planning.
- WELS home missions update
- WELS world missions update
- WELS congregational services update
- WELS support services update
- Increasing abortion is near the top of Biden's agenda. Please note that talking about abortion isn't a "scare tactic" used by Republicans. It's a very real issue and your vote can actually help save, or help destroy, millions of innocent lives.
- Sanctity of Life Day: Post-Abortion guilt and God's forgiveness
- Three things single parents wish you knew
- Penal Substitutional Atonement: Still the best explanation of Jesus' death and resurrection
- Does platypus DNA prove evolution?
- You can join two sessions in an evangelism webinar.
- New mental health study shows church is essential. "According to a new poll, mental health has tanked across the board during this year of mayhem, except for one group: those who regularly attend church."
- Another counter to the mainstream narrative: Complementarian Christian men do more housework.
- Is ET calling us?
- Resist the Pharisee temptation in social media.
- America is a mess. What does the Bible say?
- Top six anxiety management strategies
- A funeral in Africa
- Five lessons from the Jewish roots of the Christian faith - REALLY good!
- God bless you this week!
- Dance floor where John the Baptist killed unearthed.
- The best faith-based movies of 2020. NOTE: I have not watched any of these, nor do I plan to, but maybe some of you are interested in this. So don't blame me if they are lame/heretical.
- As long as we're at it, my brother highly recommends The Chosen, which you can watch on a special free app.
- 3 ways to participate in missions without leaving town
- And if that inspired you, here's the WELS missions page. Don't forget you are always welcome to help at The Vine too.
- Video discussion: Evangelizing GenZ. Parents might also want to watch this to think about how to help their kids stay in the faith.
- Lies about God series from Time of Grace: God doesn't care. This is a good series, here are more.
- This year I'm more excited for Epiphany than I was for Christmas.
- Sort of new: Evening Encouragement videos from Time of Grace. You might want to subscribe.
- And this short video series: Finding Joy In All Circumstances
- Principles for today from Luther's "Whether Christians should flee from a plague"
- A congregation is not an audience
- Reaching the Hmong in Alaska
- Principles for today from Luther's "Whether Christians should flee from a plague"
- A congregation is not an audience
- Reaching the Hmong in Alaska
- From Lawyer to Pastor
- 10 issues the gospel solved in the Corinthian Church
- What Christians should know about loneliness
- Supreme Court agrees: Religious organizations cannot be subject to stricter COVID restrictions than other businesses. Those who said, "If Home Depot is open, the church should be too" were just vindicated by the Supreme Court.
- Seven Psalms that teach us about love (ties into this week's sermon)
- A pastor (and good friend of mine) struggles with virus fatigue, but finds hope in Jesus
- Recent Washington COVID restrictions
- We need church to form us, not affirm us
- The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools.
- 10 things you should know about the sexual revolution
- The case for civility
- A good one for our times: Video Sermon: From Fear to Peace
- Augustine on the days of creation.
- Locating the seven cities of Revelation. This will be helpful soon.
- How long does it take to read each book of the Bible? Not as long as you'd think
- New Testament texts on Genesis 1-11
- Praying Psalm 63. A good example for praying any Psalm.
- Home Missions funds three new missions
- Three ways to pray for our enemies
- Loving difficult neighbors is not optional for Christians
- Christ-centered wedding blessings, written by a friend of mine in China
- Sermon: Divide and Unite. Recommended by a member about avoiding legalism in the church.
- What in the world is God up to now?
- YouTube Revelation Bible study from a church I attended in Madison.
- Eight Years of Blessings in Lafayette, Indiana.
- Video: Visiting Mt. Sinai
- Why Sunday is not a Christian version of the Sabbath
- Jesus Christ according to the New Testament's most quoted Psalm
- What different denominations teach about the End Times and Revelation. This will nicely supplement our Revelation series.
- Jesus found me
- We're experiencing another Reformation, but not in a good way
- Joe Rogan's example for believers. Never saw myself posting that.
- From KKK to Christian
- How to I love my adult child who just came out of the closet
- How to be a "gay" Christian. Summary: Just stay celibate and be a normal Christian.
- Your neighbor's new creed: In this house, we believe...
- Check out this album that puts all the songs from Revelation to contemporary music. I've enjoyed this album for 20 years. It will enhance your experience as we work through Revelation in church.
- Sadly, it seems that COVID has made Christians less engaged in their faith. If that's you, time to get back into God's Word!
- The hardest part of sharing the good news is.... opening your mouth.
- You can't be a saint by yourself. It takes a Christian community.
- Why was Jesus raised on the third day? An interesting take on a tricky question.
- Peer review in creation research ... answering a common objection
- Five myths about about Bible transmission and translations. ... parents, your kids will be subjected to all sorts of arguments undermining their faith throughout college if not high school. It's worth reading this kind of stuff so you can respond.
- What Christians should know about CRISPR genetic scissors. I didn't know anything about this but I thought I'd share. Maybe this is a new issue we'll have to consider in light of scripture.
- The Church's wisdom in the voting booth ... this should help you chill out a little bit if you're over stressed
- 2020 is a great year for the church
- Four lessons for Christians from It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
- Hmong mission in Vietnam update
- The Seventh Seal in Revelation: another example of bad interpretation
- The opportunity has never been greater
- The frightening facts about wiccans in the United States
- A new social push is coming to discourage and shame large families
- The importance of loving discipline for your children
- When someone says, "I'm homosexual"
- Did the Bible borrow from other ancient Near Eastern creation stories? Your kids will hear this in college. Can you respond intelligently? If not, maybe read this.
- EXAMPLE OF FALSE TEACHING: What does the Israel peace treaty say about the third temple and the end times? You see a ton of these articles from fairly mainstream sources. That's part of the reason we're going through Revelation now. Please understand, I don't endorse this article, I think it's silly.
- Why Christians don't go to church, and why they must
- "It happened here" great video devotions with footage from the holy land and archaeological background. While we don't have Bible study going on now, consider this as a way to grow in Biblical knowledge.
- Male and Female in God's World: A summary of what we believe scripture teaches about being male and female.
- Watching Our Nation Burn (by one of our pastors in Boise)
- The Lost Tribe of Manasseh in ....India?!! Interesting video.
- What it means to have a pastor, part 2
- Church planting momentum in Japan
- Spewing out the lukewarm
- What does "the truth will set you free" really mean?
- "My Christian Life", a new Forward in Christ series you can read for free
- Can protecting my health become an idol? Yep, anything can!
- Book review: On the Road with Augustine. A good one for the more literary-minded.
- Where is God when your dog dies?
- WELS and the Presbyterian church compared
- A major retraction issued too late: Gender transitioning does NOT improve mental health.
- Can a fertile Christian couple decide in good conscience that they don't want children?
- How the Bible was written, an analogy
- The discipline of gratitude -- not a Christian article per se, but still a good article about the value of gratitude that can help us.
- Author YouTube Interview: The Devil and Karl Marx. I found this fascinating. The most helpful insight is that Marxism did not begin as an economic system so much as a godless religion specifically opposed to Christianity.
- Older women, your church needs you
- Another survey reveals that a large percentage of American Christians are ignorant about the Bible, including on some key doctrines such as Christ's divinity This is the result of stressing emotional experiences over teaching.
- An opportunity to give to your Lutheran brothers and sisters in Kenya
- Epidemics in ancient Mesopotamia
- Theophilus: Second-Century Christian Apologist
- Nice YouTube on ancient Caesaria by the sea, and important New Testament site
- Will we recognize others in heaven?
- PARENTS: a new, even worse reason to cancel Netflix. Let's not let Hollywood normalize child sexualization, and not let our kids view this kind of stuff accidentally.
- A married mom and dad DO matter. A new secular study study from Canada verifies religious assumptions
- You can watch the archives of this LWMS missions conference if you missed it
- Addressing a common myth: The council of Nicaea did NOT invent the canon of Scripture
- Netflix is getting worse and worse. Protect your children!
- 89% of doctors in Belgium support killing a newborn with a disability. You shouldn't be surprised, they have lost the gospel and embraced evolution, so why should they value the lives of the disabled? We're headed this direction.
- 5 ways to see if the news is helping or harming you.
- Christians and QAnon. Don't join this political cult!!! It presents a false god, encouraging you to fear, trust, and love other things more than the LORD. It also sounds very similar to anti-Satanist hysteria in the 80s that turned out to be completely false. If you've been drawn towards QAnon, please read this article by a reasonable Christian man with an open mind. Also, consider sharing this with people posting crazy stuff on Facebook.
- Roman Catholic teaching and salvation
- A letter to wives wondering: "Is it abuse". Probably this doesn't apply to you, but might it help you talk to someone you know who is in an abusive situation?
- Adam, Jesus, and the Canon of Scripture.
- Hey, friend, it'll be alright
- Is our country spiraling out of control?
- The failure of the idol of science
- Video devotions with Pastor and Mrs. Hein. I started watching just to check it out, and finished almost 2 episodes. I highly recommend it if you like to watch YouTube. I think it will appeal to younger people, perhaps consider forwarding it to a child or grandchild.
- Video: How to deal with anger and frustration
- Could Jesus go viral on TikTok?
- Reaching out to Muslims and Hindus in India - In some place the gospel is spreading faster than COVID
- Lutherans for Life - our pro-life organization
- Heraclitus, original proponent of an eternal universe. Many "modern" ideas are actually ancient
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: A surprisingly detailed and helpful overview from Answer in Genesis
- Support mission work by donating to this endowment
- What's it like to be WELS in college these days? Video discussion. Helpful ideas for our church.
- Are Aliens Real?
- Video: A walk through the Judean desert
- Video: an unbeliever sends his kids to a Christian school, 10 years later he's training to be a pastor. Let's pray that this can happen here.
- Anxiety, depression, and the comfort of Christ
- How to pray about anxiety
- Time of Grace has an excellent new contributor
- COVID is leading Americans to turn away, not towards, Scripture. Don't let that be you!
- 8 Psalms set to 7 melodies
- 5 books by the church fathers you should read
- 8 things the Bible says about itself
- Chinese Christians face new pressures to renounce the faith. "In May, an official in the eastern province of Shandong stormed into the home of a local Christian. While inside the Christian's home, the official posted portraits of Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping and reportedly said, “These are the greatest gods. If you want to worship somebody, they are the ones." It's happening again!! Pray for Christians in China...
- Uighurs of China: A People in Peril. And while you're at it, pray for everyone in China.
- Gideon's Fleece: Discerning or Disobedient?
- WELS distributes almost 500K of humanitarian relief this year
- The Evangelistic power of listening and asking
- How do I respond when someone says, "God told me this" or "God is guiding me to do that"?
- Here's another article I wrote for this seminary publication about Haggai
- Updates on the WELS mission in India
- A former Muslim's evangelism efforts here in the US
- Was Paul against getting married?
- Grumbling is not a minor sin
- It takes a village to help single parents
- How to more wisely consume the news. I agree with all this.
- Good news politically: The Supreme Court's 15-Case Winning Streak on Religious Liberty
- Here's something I wrote last month for the seminary. It's about how some events in the book of Ezra parallel the COVID situation.
- How do I explain to a relative that living together outside of marriage is a sin?
- 9 Things you should know about Lutheranism (by an evangelical, but accurate)
- Supreme Court delivers two more victories for religious liberty
- Canceled: How the Eastern honor-shame mentality traveled West and what Jesus says about it.
- Pliny Persecutes Christians AD 112
- The Magdeburg Interpretation of Romans 13: A Lutheran Justification for Political Resistance
- Taste and See - an online missions convention, is available to watch
- Counterfeit gods: a popular book looks at materialism, approval, career, relationship, political, and happiness based idols in our society.
- Beth Shean - a holy land devotion
- How certain Christian assumptions still guide our secular culture
- Hope is alive! A message for our times
- 5 novels every Christian should read.
- Compelling reasons to trust a 2,000 year old book
- The difference between American and Christian freedom
- 2020 Christian Supreme Court Summary: Religious Liberty Winning, Pro-Life Losing
- When God calls us to adapt
- A Lutheran looks at Baptists
- A devotion book written by Luther in a time of plague
- Northwestern Publishing House - what it is, why you should use it
- Cremation vs. burial
- Didn't mere humans give us the canon of scripture?
- Keep witnessing. God's still pursuing.
- A very obscure Biblical site possibly discovered
- Starting a church during a pandemic
- 9 things you should know about Buddhism
- When a Lesbian athiest at Yale came to Christ
- Book review: Brand Luther. How Luther was at the forefront of 16th century marketing
- Why we miss congregational singing
- How will evangelism change as America becomes post-Christian? [I think Washington already is]
- Ravi Zacharias, RIP
- 5 reasons why Christians should care about economics
- Is it important to know the exact age of the earth? Depends what you mean by "exact"
- Why don't we have women pastors? A succinct explanation.
- Get a free digital issue of Forward in Christ
- We need prophets, not partisans. I may have shared this before.
- a YouTube video about the history of the Nicene Creed. I've been saving this one for a slow season.
- WELS Family devotions, newly updated and expanded for families stuck at home. It's better than many books you could buy, and it's free.
- Does Satan send individuals into your life to torment you?
- Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced courses of study to learn about defending your faith
- 10 ways to use sleepless nights for God's glory
- 30 edifying things for Christians to watch while on lockdown. I HAVEN'T WATCHED ALL THESE but thought someone might appreciate it.
- China on course to become world's most Christian nation. China's in the news a lot, this is a good reminder.
- New family devotions from WELS. These are newly improved under the assumption more people might use them right now. Short, suitable for adults, but including questions for children of different ages and a few hymn verses.
- The book of Revelation is on some people's minds right now. Here's a 12-part self-study on the book from the Forward in Christ magazine about a year ago.
- Jonah Bible study taught by former WLS professor
- Why scripture alone and not scripture + tradition?
- Why it's better to avoid home communion
- Poll: Coronavirus a wake-up call from God
- Making the sign of the cross
- WELS Connection in March-- a new church in western Wisconsin, with ROBOTS!
- WELS Connection in Apirl -- the seminary
- Lutheran pastor tortured for Christ -- full movie!
- Don't waste your family quarantine
- His Robes for Mine - song by MLC choir
- God is just waiting to be asked
- Two people died from coronavirus they caught at a church choir practice - this makes me feel better about not meeting!
- Details about crucifixion
- 6 ways to lead your family during coronavirus
- What does God say about sickness?
- How Psalm 91 speaks to your coronavirus fears
- CS Lewis on coronavirus
- 8 things coronavirus should teach us
- 9 ways to love your neighbor in this pandemic
- Book: The executioner's redemption
- Resources from NPH during the covid shutdown
- Mental health support is available if you need it right now
- Turn fear into a friend by letting it turn you to Christ
- 9 things you should know about the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. Some sobering similarities, but also some key differences.
- As we face COVID-19 from the WELS
- New Study finds that religious schooling has amazing lifelong effects
- January 2020 training in Hanoi
- A journalist in an country unfriendly to Christianity converts
- Spokane county is growing and is expected to continue. So many opportunities for outreach!
- Parents sue WI public school for allowing children to 'transition' without informing the parents. Yikes! Be engaged, parents!
- We need prophets, not partisans. "One of the byproducts of tribalization in politics is that one’s political identity slowly becomes preeminent, shaping one’s religious identity rather than the other way around."
- I can't wait to get out of heaven
- The Bay Psalm Book: America's First Book
- Looking closely at speaking in tongues
- We're living in a tough philanthropic climate
- What you should know about polygamy in America
- Two observations on the book of Job
- Where is God in a world of so much death and suffering?
- A great "Life of Luther" Podcast. Hours of listening. By WLC professors.
- Another WELS church in Milwaukee! Short but interesting. This pastor uses a unique preaching style too.
- Does James really contradict Paul?
- The next two seem harsh and judgmental, but on the other hand, marriage is the most important decision we ever make, and many young people don't give it enough thought and effort:
- 10 Types of Women Christian Men Should Never Marry
- 10 Types of Men Christian Women Should Never Marry
- Deconstructing De-conversion stories
- The authenticity of 2 Peter
- What Christians should know about late term abortion
- How to know if you've made an idol out of politics. Convicting for Democrats and Republicans alike.
- First WELS leadership conference a success, even though I wasn't there.
- Your gifts, God's blessings, 2020
- Another take on the sermon on the mount (video sermon)
- How to read the book of Job (in preparation for the Thursday Bible study)
- Five ways difficult children are a blessing for you
- How does Joseph foreshadow Jesus (esp. for our Thursday morning group)
- Is the ending of the gospel of Mark authentic? This issue is well known to pastors and theologians, but many laypeople are unaware that it is an issue.
- The engine that drives a good marriage
- Why does God care who I sleep with? It might seem ridiculous to you, but many people really wonder this.
- What about Adam and Eve's kids getting married?
- 3 reasons to visit an elderly person soon
- Christians and cremation
- Lord's Supper and membership
- Behind most addictions lies a "river of pain"
- Why you can't be a Freemason and a member of our church
- Peggy and Albert, both on the evangelism committee, encourage everyone to read this about how to gain an audience to share God's Word with someone.
- In case you missed it: the new Forward in Christ website
- How St. Augustine saved this guy's life
- Poverty and Education: What being poor does to the brain
- Lord, Energize your church in 2020
- Does God want me to stay in a toxic relationship?
- Wisdom isn't found on Google
- Spiritual unity in south Asia
- What about people who never heard the gospel?
- Dying out: The Last of the Samaritans. This video is amazing. It will blow your mind.
- Does WELS teach "transubstantiation"?
- Beware of taking your sorrows to alcohol instead of to God
- What about people who don't hear the gospel?
- The NEW Forward in Christ website
- Why you need sermons that don't apply directly to you
- FAQ about the Methodist Church splitting
- How sex became king in the USA
- Learn how to disagree agreeably
- The Smithsonian take on the Wise Men
- What are frankincense and myrrh?
- The frankincense trail - a full hour, perhaps a bit too much
- Five myths about the three wise men
- Why the three wise men were likely Arabs - besides bringing gifts that all originate in Arabia
- Do not be afraid! No, seriously! Do not be afraid.
- For some, Christmas is an emotional struggle. Be on the lookout for the lonely and hurting this season.
- Struggling with doubt this Christmas?
- What the right timing for an infant baptism?
- Israelite Ambassadors to Assyria: this sheds some light on Micah and Isaiah
- Funding secured for WELS theological education facility in Vietnam
- Another person in the Bible found attested in archaeology
- How to love God by getting more sleep: the holidays are a great time to REST!
- Understanding Christianity - an introductory website by some anonymous WELS pastors. I'm not sure why they decided to be anonymous, but I found some of their pages helpful when teaching the Bible Basics Class this week.
- Good sermon on John the Baptist
- Six Messianic Expectations, One Messiah
- One congregation's Thanksgiving outreach
- Richard Dawkin's latest case for outgrowing God, and a rebuttal
- Q&A: Does God hate the sin or the sinner?
- Is it okay to confess that Jesus descended into hell? Yes, but it's nice to see a non-Lutheran explain this well.
- Is there a traumatic brain injury survivor in your church?
- New WELS campus ministry in Waukesha, WI. Maybe one day we could have one...
- Faith is not wishful thinking, it is defiance
- Bible study from Forward In Christ: the incarnation of our Lord
- Recovery is possible in Christ--don't give up! (from Forward in Christ)
- Parent conversations: how can we nurture a proper view of "stuff" (from FiC)
- Your neighbor is probably a Unitarian Universalist
- Inmates thankful for Jesus
- Thursday Bible study people: this is where Judah lived during Genesis 38
- When did the decline in marriage actually begin in America?
- Want a miserable life? Confuse Law and Gospel
- 8 ways older believers can invest in younger believers
- Do you feel unworthy? Good.
- Interesting Christian review of the movie Frozen, with a positive take
- I try to avoid taking political stands, but I simply had to share this. Enough is enough.
- How God makes a pencil
- How to be a Christian woman of influence (book review)
- Putting the Thanks back in Thanksgiving
- Questions/guidance for the Christian family considering adoption
- Sharing Christ in dark places
- Gospel outreach opportunities in Africa
- Close or closed communion? I'd like to give a shout out to Dave Sauer who asked me this same question.
- A good sermon on John 6 and the scandal of the incarnation
- Did you catch this free Bible study on Revelation from Forward in Christ. Here's the whole series.
- 3 Ways to Teach Scripture to Children, all of which, incidentally, are done every day at our school
- A story of conversion
- Transformed by Truth: A book for teenagers and why and how to read the Bible for yourself. Most adults could probably use it too.
- Encountering the Holy Land
- How did Jesus suffer eternal punishment in only 3 hours?
- Christians can struggle with homosexuality too-- one lady's story
- What the persecuted church can teach Gen Z
- Four lies that hinder evangelism
- Did you know that the life of a synod president is similar to Indiana Jones?
- Sharing Christ in dark places
- Gospel outreach opportunities in Africa
- Close or closed communion? I'd like to give a shout out to Dave Sauer who asked me this same question.
- A good sermon on John 6 and the scandal of the incarnation
- Did you catch this free Bible study on Revelation from Forward in Christ. Here's the whole series.
- 3 Ways to Teach Scripture to Children, all of which, incidentally, are done every day at our school
- A story of conversion
- Transformed by Truth: A book for teenagers and why and how to read the Bible for yourself. Most adults could probably use it too.
- Don't watch this because I might steal it for reformation day
- A lot of you have asked me about Hong Kong
- Building Bridges between preschools and schools
- What is the most important decision you will make today? Written by my classmate and friend, recommended by one of our members.
- Luther and Melanchton - we'll talk about this during Bible study hour
- The Psalms are special for counseling
- When Christianity doesn't work
- The Samaritan woman and the barrier-smashing Savior
- Witnessing Scenarios, great advice, with specific examples, for outreach
- Do Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God?
- WELS Q&A, Is the husband the wife's "boss"?
- Headship and Submission: Timeless Principles, Challenging Applications by a WELS lady professor at WLC
- Focus on the Family: submission of wives to husbands
- A WELS seminary student's master's thesis about women in the church
- Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: a free, good book online
- You thought I was exaggerating about the possibility of future persecution in the USA? A British tribunal just found that belief in Genesis is incompatible with human dignity.
- Want to teach your kids about Jesus? China says no.
- Religious Freedom is a Christian Idea
- I believe in the resurrection of the body - sermon
- "Your will be done" - some thoughts
- Why science does not "disprove" the Bible
- There's no more important job than being a mother in the first three years, argues this book. It's not based on the Bible, which would support the thesis, but on the latest scientific and statistical research. Mom's don't give up! You're doing the most important and possibly hardest job on earth!
- Don't sell your birthright for sex. Thursday Bible Study attenders will appreciate this application of Genesis 25.
- When mommy guilt threatens to crush you
- 10 financial to-dos before your first wedding anniversary Mike and Tiffany aren't the only one's who might enjoy this.
- Video: An introduction to Biblical Jerusalem
- Some short but good thoughts on prayer
- Magic School Bus's misleading take on human evolution
- Serious Bible study is for teens too
- Does God exist? A two hour debate
- Does the Old Testament Endorse Slavery?
- Another Biblical figure found in archaeology
- Proceedings of the 2019 WELS convention
- A common denominator in de-conversions
- Encouraging conversions stories from WELS missions
- Sermon: The Joy of Serving
- Does your church feel like a home?
- Retiring the "gay gene" hypothesis in Science.
- Is there really anti-Christian discrimination in America?
- Is my job the problem or am I just discontent?
- From gay to gospel
- What do we take away from influential Christians leaving the faith? An excerpt: "Therefore, instead of putting all our energy into proving God’s existence with evidence, I believe we must show the goodness of God."
- College Freshmen, commit to a church!
- Building Bridges, Not Barriers: an online evangelism course you can take for free. If there is interest we could have a class on this at church.
- The Vine was featured on the WELS website
- The comfort of the two kingdoms. An excerpt: "But it is also a comfort to know, perhaps especially in a time so marked by rancor and political division like our own, that the symbols and situation of our shared politics are not the places we find our identity. As Christians, marked with the cross of Christ and stamped by the Holy Trinity in Baptism, our identity is outside of politics itself, since our identity is outside the Law as well."
- See Pastor Schultz's son's sermons online
- The essay from this year's synod convention. It's looking to the future of our church body and the church in America and how to address the problems we face.
- Six myths about introverts. This might help you better love the introverts in your life.
- Interesting take: Woodstock was a secular worship service
- A good sermon on Genesis 15
- Why are many Christian parents abandoning their children?
- Yale Professor, "The Origin of Species Is Exactly What Darwin Cannot Explain."
- The value of a baptismal font
- Should we pray before meals at restaurants?
- The biography of another Hmong Lutheran pastor in Vietnam
- Mormonism's plan of salvation
- The top 5 witnessing posts last year from Truth in Love ministries:
- The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (our denomination) has a biannual convention is going on now and you can watch every boring minute archived, read every document, etc. Look for Pastor Schultz in the background. He's there.
- Sick of your job?
- An interesting fossil and one take on its apologetic implications
- Learn all about Mormonism: its differences with traditional Christianity and how to talk to Mormons about your faith. From Truth in Love, a WELS ministry. Peggy has gone on mission trips with this WELS mission in Salt Lake City, and we may try to organize a trip in the future.
- And a reminder that Truth serves Love
- An American (Lutheran) chaplain to the convicted Nazi war criminals
- is a treasure trove of solid Lutheran teaching, focused on the cross and Jesus for you. They have podcasts, videos, online courses, and reading material.
- The Athanasian Creed and its Importance
- An Interview with the head of WELS Hmong Ministry
- An Interview with a Vietnamese Hmong Pastor about his past persecution
- Evangelism is not a Solo Sport
- True Freedom on Independence Day
- Learn How to Disagree Agreeably
- June Thank You Letter from Evergreen
- Part of my homework for the pastors' conference next week: Seven Theses on Reformation Hermeneutics. It's about how salvation by grace through faith is the thread that ties all of scripture together and the key that unlocks its message. You might enjoy it too.
- See where recent seminary graduates were assigned
- Why is personal evangelism so rare?
- Calming your heart when angry
- I think our budget and meetings are great. I'm not sharing these next two because I see a problem, but only because they are interesting food for thought:
- Perspectives on a Church Budget
- How to Run Effective Church Meetings
- To All My Fellow People Pleasers
- What Does It Mean to Honor Your Father and Mother?
- Too Distracted to Be Evangelized?
- YouTube: Can Science Explain Everything by John Lennox
- YouTube: Can We Trust the Gospels by Peter Williams
- YouTube: Cold Case Christianity by Jim Warner Wallace
- YouTube: The Existence of God by Peter Kreeft
- YouTube: Responding to the New Atheists by Ravi Zecharias
- Book: History, Law, and Christianity
- Book: Handbook of Christian Apologetics
- Book: The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists
- There is a lot of bad and mediocre Christian praise music out there, but also a lot of good material. The challenge is finding the good stuff. Fortunately, some Lutheran pastors are trying to help congregations out with that. May the People's Praise You is their latest recommendation. This song is based on a Psalm and had a nice melody, at least to me. If you're interested in helping find good contemporary Christians songs fitting for worship, please let me know.
- Godly Answers for Anxiety
- WELS congregational services has been mentioned in recent council and elders meetings. It has good resources, some of which we will use in the fall.
- SHOCKING study: Married, religious people are most satisfied with their love lives. God already knew that, of course.
- And another EVEN MORE SHOCKING study: People who wait until marriage for sex have the most satisfying love lives later in life. You would almost think God knew what he was doing...
- Another bit of Biblical history confirmed by archaeology: Rehoboam's Wall discovered at Lachish.
- An embarrassing picture of me. I forget which sub-page it's on, but if you click around I'm sure you'll find it.
- My new favorite sermon podcast, St. Marcus, Milwaukee.
- Don't give until it hurts, give until...
- In the sermon on Easter I mentioned Louis Lapides and Stan Telchin, two Jewish men who converted to Christianity after studying Messianic prophesy. A man with a similar story with a current podcast that I enjoy, though I don't agree with all his theology, is Michael Brown.
- What Luther would say to Silicon Valley.
- A Lutheran school in inner city Milwaukee
- Don't worry about "forgiving yourself."
- What flat-earthers tell us about the Bible
- Kind of strange, but good: A Christian family made a video game about watching their son die from cancer. This 15 minute video tells about it. I think it might appeal to some of you, and might be shareable with non-Christians. I shed a few tears watching it, and couldn't help myself but to watch the whole thing.
- I have heard good reviews of this new book challenging Darwinian evolution from the standpoint of recent discoveries in DNA.
- Freedom for the Captives, a WELS organization committed to protecting children from abuse and empowering abuse survivors.
- Genetic echoes of Genesis 3
- Ancient Israelite Fashion
- How can we become a "Recovery Friendly Church" (a new WELS initiative)? Talk to me if you're interested in this.
- A personal way of sharing faith (new WELS book)
- Psalms of Lament, for when we're depressed
- Missed some sermons on Luke? This is the (next?) best thing for reading through Luke.
- Three doctrines to help share the gospel with Mormons.
- We have two Mormon missionaries at our door yesterday. You probably will one day. Read the info at this WELS ministry's website to learn what to say and how to act to be most effective in your witness.
- Great article on the proper view of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. They go against the tends in American Christianity, but they are gifts from Jesus to the church to bring great comfort.
- 8 tips for inviting people to church
- An academic article about salt in ancient Palestine and its meaning in Jesus' parables. Yes, I realize you're probably not interested, but I can't help myself.
- The following 8 websites provide resources to defend Christianity from critics. They were recommended in a recent publication for WELS pastors:
- Cross Examined
- Gary Habermas
- Ravi Zecharias
- Reasonable Faith
- Stand to Reason
- The Veritas Forum
- Thinking Fellows
- Library of Historical Apologetics
- Talking about technology with your kids
- Psalm 51, a great Psalm to read in Lent
- The Casual Bible has great Bible maps, some of which I use in sermons
- Here is a devotional book made by some WELS pastors for Lent
- New archaeology is revealing more about the Edomites
- This chart shows you how long it will take to read each book of the Bible. Handy!
- Undercover video: talking about the Trinity with Mormons in Hawaii
- How dieting has turned into religion for many Americans
- WELS Christian Aid and Relief helps with humanitarian crises around the nation and world
- Elijah's depression and David's depression (articles on depression by WELS pastor)
- VIDEOS: Unlocking the secrets of the Holy Land
- YouTube: A nice version of Psalm 91.
- YouTube: Witnessing to a gay couple live. Well-done.
- YouTube: The world's first film in ancient Babylonian.
- Koine is a WELS band that puts classic hymns to contemporary music. They are putting all their music online for free!! If you have ideas about how we could use their material, please let me know, especially if you're willing to play or learn to play guitar.
- The Notable Podcast is probably the most highly recommended Bible study podcast I know of. It's two WELS pastors talking through books of the Bible. The only negative is that they have only gone through two books so far. But they are back to producing and going through the book of Job.
- Ten passages to memorize for the hospital.
- If you miss the Forward in Christ but don't want to pay for it, subscribing to the free biweekly WELS "Together" newsletter will still keep you up to date with WELS affairs.
- Shouldn't I be happy? From WELS authors.
- That Gillette ad and Jesus
- The best single-volume introduction to apologetics. I think reading this might give you confidence facing objections as you share your faith.
- Why are young people dropping out of church? Ultimately, it's the devil, the world, and their sinful natures. But this gets into more specific issues.
- Is evangelism harder than it used to be? Is this a trick question? Read to find out.
- A good sermon on spiritual body building by my friend.
- A good sermon on being chosen by God by a well known WELS pastor.
- How Total Depravity Changed My Life
- Five Lessons from the Persecuted Christians in China
- Beating Bad Habits with a New Identity
- 2018's Top 10 Finds in Biblical Archaeology
- You can trust the historical reliability of the gospels
- Christians get depressed too
- Lots of Bible reading plans
- Ideas on how to enact your new Bible reading plan
- If your Christmas Eve worship was elsewhere, you might have missed this very interested information about the original manger.
- Is there any historical evidence for Caesar's census decree or the necessity of traveling back to your homeland?
- A WELS blog recommends this video dramatizing the Christmas story.
- Here is a weekly radio program/podcast produced by several WELS pastors, including my former roommate.
- The unicorn of the sea declares God's glory. No, I haven't lost it.
- This article relates how times our changing and Christians needs to adjust our assumptions. One quote really rang true: "There was a day when you could fairly safely assume that once young adults got married and had a child, they would automatically come back to church.Those days are gone or largely gone... The average unchurched person doesn’t think about going to church anymore than the average Christian thinks about going to synagogue. It just doesn’t cross their mind."
- Our own Anna Barton has started a blog.
- Bibles make great Christmas gifts, and Bible reading is a great New Year's resolution. Here are some good options:
- Buy this Bible to read in one year
- Or in two years
- Or buy Bibles and other Christian books here
- The Spirituality of the Cross (a good Lutheran book at the lay level)
- Two books by a WELS professor defending the Bible and Christianity against common objections. Great for advanced teens or college students.
- Family peace at the holidays from our WELS counseling organization
- Experiencing anxiety? You're not alone, and God has the answer.
- Modern evangelicals are rediscovering the usefulness of the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. We confess these frequently in church, and for good reason.
- Hollywood is getting more and more anti-Christian. One WELS pastor asks, "Why am I giving them my family's money and attention?"
- In a similar vein, If you don't want your kids exposed to porn at an early age, cancel Netflix!!!
- Speaking of porn, we don't discuss it much in church even though statistically it's ruining American lives and marriages at epidemic rates. Here are some resources for those struggling.
- Archaeology is slowly proving the Bible is right about King David (despite theories otherwise). Here's a video about recent developments.
- How Jesus celebrated and fulfilled Hanukkah.