Our Beliefs
We believe that there is only one true God. He has made Himself known as the Triune God, one God in three persons. The Scripture says that whoever does not worship this God worships a false god, a god who does not exist.
We also believe that God has given us the full revelation of Himself in the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Particularly has God revealed Himself in Jesus as the Savior God, who "so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). We want to share this with others.
We believe that God gave us the Bible through people whom He chose. In a miraculous way that goes beyond all human investigation, God the Holy Spirit inspired these men to write His Word. These "men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21). Every thought they expressed, every word they used was given them by the Holy Spirit by inspiration. Therefore, we believe that Scripture is a unified whole, true and without error in everything it says. The Bible is the infallible authority and guide for everything we believe and do. It is fully sufficient, clearly teaching us all we need to know for salvation, making us "wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15), and equipping us to lead a godly life.
We also believe that God has given us the full revelation of Himself in the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Particularly has God revealed Himself in Jesus as the Savior God, who "so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). We want to share this with others.
We believe that God gave us the Bible through people whom He chose. In a miraculous way that goes beyond all human investigation, God the Holy Spirit inspired these men to write His Word. These "men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21). Every thought they expressed, every word they used was given them by the Holy Spirit by inspiration. Therefore, we believe that Scripture is a unified whole, true and without error in everything it says. The Bible is the infallible authority and guide for everything we believe and do. It is fully sufficient, clearly teaching us all we need to know for salvation, making us "wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15), and equipping us to lead a godly life.
St. Matthew belongs to a network of churches across North America and the world called the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). For more information about what we believe and teach, feel free to contact one of our pastors or visit the page about What We Believe on the WELS website.
Our Purpose
At St. Matthew, we are all about people. We are all about people because God is all about people. When we say people, we mean all people regardless of age or race, occupation or social status.
Our purpose is: "Reaching People, Changing Lives." We want to see every person in a right relationship with God and growing in their faith so that their lives and eternity are changed forever. We work hard at St. Matthew to make sure everything we do exists to create an environment where that can happen. Ultimately, your life is changed when you encounter Jesus, and the way we encounter him today is in his Word, the Bible. So the Bible at the center of everything we do.
As the interest in Christian education has increased dramatically in the last few years, a big part of that purpose has been channeled into growing our K-8 elementary school and preschool. Our K-8 school tripled in size from 2018 to 2023. We thank God for the opportunity to give so many kids in our community a grounding in God's Word that will anchor and guide them, we pray, for the rest of their lives.
Our purpose is: "Reaching People, Changing Lives." We want to see every person in a right relationship with God and growing in their faith so that their lives and eternity are changed forever. We work hard at St. Matthew to make sure everything we do exists to create an environment where that can happen. Ultimately, your life is changed when you encounter Jesus, and the way we encounter him today is in his Word, the Bible. So the Bible at the center of everything we do.
As the interest in Christian education has increased dramatically in the last few years, a big part of that purpose has been channeled into growing our K-8 elementary school and preschool. Our K-8 school tripled in size from 2018 to 2023. We thank God for the opportunity to give so many kids in our community a grounding in God's Word that will anchor and guide them, we pray, for the rest of their lives.